Register company in the Netherlands
Starting a business and need to register company in the Netherlands? The people form ‘set- up your Dutch company’ provide in everything you need for starting your business. They offer lots of information and are able to guide you in registering your company in the Netherlands.
In the Netherlands, they know 4 different company structures. A well known and common structure is the Dutch LLC, called “besloten vennootschap” in Dutch. This company structure offers several possibilities; you can choose for one or more founders, which can be individuals of companies. Also you are allowed to have one shareholder that is eligible for being the manager. Another advantage is the minimum share capital you need.
Requirements for setting up a company in the Netherlands
If you choose to register your company in the Netherlands, the founder is required to deal out one share with a voting right. Also, you need to have a Dutch registered address and the right documents that contain information about the management board, shareholders the authorized share capital, and a short explanation of your business activities. So, there is only a little investment needed to start your Dutch company. All you need is knowledge about who to contact. And that is what we can help you with. We can assist you to open your company within 5 workdays without setting any foot in the Netherlands yourself.